AEM6.3 developer training

This course is designed to get you up and running with AEM 6.3 at your own pace. You will be exposed to a lot of exciting technologies such as: JCR, OSGi, Sling, Sightly and AEM itself. As a developer you will be able to code AEM components, OSGi bundles (components and services) and make use of Sling services.


  • web development experience (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)
  • Java Development


Chapter 1 - Get to Know AEM6.3 for Developers

What Is AEM6.3
A little bit of history
The different types of users when working with AEM 6.3
Two Types of Environments: Author and Publish
Key Features of AEM6.3
AEM6.3 in the cloud
Additional resources

Chapter 2 - Install AEM6.3 using JAR file

Installation procedure
other installation procedures
stop a running instance
what's been installed

Chapter 3 - AEM6.3 stack of technologies

Apache Sling
AEM modules

Chapter 4 - Setup Development environment (Eclipse, Maven, vlt)

Java Development Kit (JDK 8)
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Eclipse
Apache Maven
Project Object Model (pom.xml) File
settings per Developer
build life cycle
Install FileVault
Final Notes on using Maven and FileVault for AEM projects
AEM6_2-developer Projects

Chapter 5 - Sling's get, post and custom servlets

Sling's GET Servlet
Sling Post Servlet
Sling's custom servlets

Chapter 6 - AEM Templates And their Availability

Templates link top-level-components and pages

Chapter 7 - review AEM's APIs and OOTB components

Out Of The Box Components

Chapter 8 - Programming with HTL


Chapter 9 - implement business logic using OSGi bundles: Java Tag Libraries

JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
AEM Java Tag Libraries
custom Java Tags

Chapter 10 - Top level components and content components

The business process prior to developing components
Top Level Components
content components
reusing component resources

Chapter 11 - ClientLibraries and Designs

Client-Side Libraries

Chapter 12 - Dialogs for Classic UI

ExtJS (Extended Javascript)
Nodetypes involved in a dialog structure
Dialog Structure
most commonly used xtypes
front-end validation for user input
back-end validation of user input
Custom Widget

Chapter 13 - Dialogs for Touch-optimized UI

Granite UI
Touch UI Dialogs

Chapter 14 - Internationalizing Author Experience

Supported Languages
Create i18n object in your code
Content Structure
Reference Static Strings From Code

Chapter 15 - Useful backend APIs

Servlet (
Event Handling
Sling Jobs
Sling Scheduling (
Repository Listener

Chapter 16 - Testing Components: jUnit and Sling based tests

Manual Testing
Automated Unit Testing
Automated Unit Testing With Collaborator Classes
Integration Testing based on Sling

get description in PDF

Developer Training Description Document (PDF, 652 KB)